Tales of the Parodyverse

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Spaztic Chyld
Sat Jul 29, 2006 at 01:58:26 am EDT

The Reluctant Superhero -- PART III
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School started back up and Jacob became a bit more withdrawn. Some of his other friends, who already thought he was weird, started talking less and less to him until their senior year rolled around- then they felt obligated to talk about “old times.” By then, Jacob had played around with his “powers” enough to keep himself from floating away while in the midst of daydreaming, and though he was not much of a social elite, he still got a few laughs from stories retold.

After graduation, Jacob followed in his father’s footsteps for a little while. That was, until Jacob got the nerve to tell his father that, although he was good at fixing cars, he didn’t want to spend his life playing the grease monkey. His father respected that and told him that there was always a place for him at his shop if he needed a part time job. And so, wanting to make his own way in life, Jacob went on to a slough of part-time jobs as he made his way through college.

Jayson and Jacob wrote each other about once a month or so through all through high school, but after that the letters got further and further apart until they ceased all together. So, by the time he graduated from college, it’d been a year since he’d last heard from him.

Unlike Jacob, who got a degree in Electrical Engineering, Jayson had been headed in much the same direction his father had been… straight towards a military career. Last he heard Jayson was on his way to some big job in the Middle East that, if all worked out, could land him a nice job somewhere in intelligence or something. It was all too complicated for Jacob to think about with his own studies going on at the time.

During the summers, Jacob would take off to his uncle’s house a few miles from the Canada, right on the Columbia River, and would watch the place while his uncle took off to one of his many gold mines in Alaska. There, Jacob played around with his powers more and more, both to get accustomed to their limitations and to rid him of the unbelievable fear of falling. That’s right. Though he could flip himself in a dozen loops in seconds, he was always afraid that one day, in mid-air, his powers would give out on him.

One of those summer nights, while flying just over the top of the water, he discovered another power that he had not known of. He heard someone yelling to someone else about a “flying man” on the water. Being a good swimmer, Jacob aimed for the water and sunk deep with his speed. To his surprise, he didn’t feel the water. And when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a bubble of air. He sped underwater to where he thought it would be safe and then flew up and out of the water like he did so many years ago when he first came into possession his powers. This time, however, there was an exclamation of excitement fueled by a freedom he could never share with anyone else.


Though Jacob’s adventurous summers were his and his alone, the rest of his life was not as exciting and not so alone. Strapped into a job with Philips Medical Systems, his life was a day-to-day demand for his time and energies. With project deadlines and such, there was hardly any time for social interactions. But Jacob didn’t care too much because his lack of social skills and a secret he would take to his grave were always on his mind.

To Be Continued...

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